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Creation of Kagan Capital

I grew up at the dawn of the technology boom where everything we now take for granted was a privilege. For the majority of my childhood and adolescence I lived without the internet, cell phones, and cable. The lack of technology was not a detriment to my learning but a blessing. Growing up I was able to learn how to think outside the box and was given the chance to solve quantitative problems with my brain instead of a computer. This taught me an important lesson that has stayed with me throughout my life; if you want to achieve success you must be willing to work incredibly hard and to put the time and energy into working towards one’s goals.

It is for this reason that I have been drawn to a more quantitative educational background. When it comes to mathematics and finance you are responsible for uncovering the right answer and for interpreting its meaning. The numbers tell the truth. I believe that in a world where you are constantly hearing anecdotal evidence it is powerful to have empirical data to support an argument and empowering to know what it means. A CEO can give positive “spin” on their company but the real story lies within the company’s earnings report on their income and balance sheets. I view the stock market and finance as a place where you can work hard to find answers and be rewarded for your determination.

Our economic system was founded on the idea of economic freedom. A true capitalist society is one that allows anyone to be successful. It rewards the winners and forgets the losers while providing both parties equal chances of winning. I have passion and drive to learn as much about the markets as I can because, in my mind, the market is the last true arena in which one can realize the American Dream. It is the last place where you are able to be a self-made man.

Rather than trying to run before I can walk, my short term goal is to learn as much as I possibly can about finance, the markets, and the economy. I realize that while I have learned a lot during my undergraduate studies at American University and my time as a financial analyst there is still so much more I need to learn. Kagan Capital is the perfect way for me to acquire the knowledge I will need to help me achieve one of my other goals which is to pass the Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) exam.

Kagan Capital, along with my CFA, will give me a strong foundation in which I will be able to pursue my goal of working in the financial services industry at an asset management firm, investment bank, hedge fund, or venture capital group. My ultimate long term goal is to use my career experiences and education to start my own non-profit business. I am specifically interested in  giving back to the community and working to create the change we would like to see within society.

I believe you get one shot at life and you need to make the most out of every opportunity you are given to be successful. Setting up Kagan Capital is one of those opportunities that I can’t pass up. I believe it will be the spring board I need for a great career. The skills that I will learn during Kagan Capital will help me be successful in finance and running a business.

Thank You,

Kristopher R Kagan

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